
What Does Medium Roast Coffee Mean?

What does medium roast coffee mean

Ever wondered what does medium roast coffee mean? Or when coffee is labeled labeled light or dark roasted? Have you ever stood in the grocery aisle in the coffee section pondering over the selections of roasts available? Continue reading and find out. Just a quick note about the qualities that coffee roasts are graded which include acidity, body, aromas, and intensity of flavor.

Types Of Coffee Roasts

Light Roasted beans

Light Roasted beans tend to be lighter in color due to a short roasting time. When ground, the aroma is delicate but fragrant with undertones of other scents like fruits, nuts, and flowers. Light roast tends to be less bitter than other roasts with a natural sweetness. This roast is the highest in acidity and low in body strength. It has the most caffeine of all the roasts. The only drawback is a lower quality coffee bean may be used. Check to see where the type of bean as well as where it originated to assure quality. Street names are Cinnamon Roast, Half City or Light City.

Medium Roasted Beans

Medium Roasted Beans are a slightly darker brown than the light roasted due to being roasted a longer time. Also, the flavor tends to be more intense because of the difference in timing. This is the most versatile of the roasts available. The body has more depth than the light roast but still retains some natural sweetness and fragrances. It is lower acidity, which allows the coffee to be more receptive to adding different types of flavoring. Often, it is the chosen roast for restaurants and coffee houses. Also known as City Roast, Breakfast Roast, American Roast, and Regular Roast.

Dark Roasted beans

Dark Roasted beans are a shiny dark brown to black in color. The rich body has a bitter smoky taste while being low in acidity. Often, the natural fragrances and sweetness are lost in the roasting process. This roast is enjoyed by coffee drinkers who enjoy the intense coffee flavor that gives a real boost while drinking. Expresso is made from dark roasted coffee beans. Lower quality coffee beans are also disguised using this roast. You may know it as Spanish Roast, French Roast, Continental Roast, New Orleans Roast, and Espresso Roast.

How and why are coffee beans roasted?

Green coffee beans do not produce much flavor when ground. The idea to roast the beans began in the 1400’s in eastern Europe and western Asia. Using shallow pans of metal or ceramics, the beans were roasted over a fire in small quantities. This idea quickly spread making coffee a much-loved beverage worldwide. Today’s roasting techniques have become an art form. To dispell one myth about the darker roast having more caffeine, it seems that a light roast has more than a dark roast due to the density of the bean.

The commercial roasting process today often involves rotating the beans at a controlled temperature in a roaster. The rotation allows for even roasting and removing any chaff. The beans are checked often while roasting until the correct color has been achieved. The beans are then air cooled. They are usually ground and packaged. Different beans require different handling. The Arabica bean makes up for around 60% of the world’s coffee production with Robusta coming in second.

Coffee roasting first crack

The color of the bean is one indicator in roasting as well as the sound being another. Just like popcorn, the coffee beans make a cracking sound during roasting. It can happen twice if you are making a darker roast. This sound is very important to let the roaster know what is going on inside the bean. The first crack signifies that the sugar is beginning to cook inside the bean. The beans also begin to change color from green to yellow or a light tan.

Before the first crack, there is very little flavor. It takes a chemical reaction internally after the first crack for the flavor to evolve. The light and medium roast are between the first and second crack. The darker roasts are ready after the second crack. This crack is not as noisy as the first crack like popped rice cereal when adding milk. Beyond the second crack, the oils in the bean are released and rise to the surface.

Medium roast vs medium dark

Medium roast is perhaps the most favored roast but it may lack the body some drinkers are looking for. The dark medium is roasted just to the second crack to allow for a little oil to be released. The body has more density and the flavor has a bitterness that the medium roast does not. The medium dark contains slightly less caffeine and acidity than the medium roast.

Cold Brew Medium Roast Coffee

The latest trend is cold brewing coffee. Medium roast creates a delicious, cold-brewed cup of joe that will delight your taste buds. Cold brewed coffee is easy to make. Using an 8-1 ratio of water to coffee for a medium roast density of flavor, let the coffee grounds set 12-18 hours refrigerated in a glass jar. When ready to drink, pour the coffee through a fine strainer into another container. Repeat the strain through a paper coffee filter to remove any remaining grounds. Drink and enjoy.

A French press will work also to make cold brewed coffee. Fill with water and grounds but do not plunge until you are ready to drink.

If you want the coffee iced, reserve some of the coffee and pour into an ice tray. Frozen coffee ice cubes will ice the coffee without diluting it.

Cold brewed coffee can be made in small or large batches as you can store it in the fridge. You can make a to-go cup the night before, so it is ready as you run out the door in the morning.

Let’s Have Some

Medium roasted coffee is a great any time of the day beverage that can give your taste buds a thrill and put a spring in your walk.

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